
Jan 8, 2009

Envelope books

I got this idea from an old Martha Stewart magazine. She had a section on making envelope books. I didn't really pay attention to the instructions but I really liked the idea and since I have literally hundreds of envelopes (thanks Auntie Cathy) I wanted to try and make one. This is what I came up with. I used some light weight card board that was in a calander to make the cover pieces. I cut them slightly bigger than my envelopes. To bind it I used adhesive ribbon (also Martha Stewart brand) that my mom bought for a me a while back. I cut out card stock to decorate the front of each envelope and I used my handy new Martha Stewart acrylic stamp block to stamp the words "Birthdays and Addresses" on the cover and each page. I bound the envelopes inside with more adhesive ribbon. (What a great use for that stuff) I made the month labels by cutting small tags in half and stamping the month abbreviations on them. I attached a ribbon to both the back and front so you can keep it closed. I thought it would be handy with the envelopes to put birthday cards inside or address labels or stamps. I think it turned out way cute. It is alot of initial cutting and assembling but it didn't take that long to put the whole thing together. I also made a smaller version that I turned into a coupon book to put in my purse to organize coupons. I used only 6 envelopes for it but everything else is the same. Here's a great idea for extra envelopes.


  1. Yeah! I am so glad that you are deciding to blog. I loved getting your emails too, but I will also enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Heather,
    I am so glad you are on here finally. Blogs are officially addicting. These envelope books are the cutest ideas ever. Next time I come down I should come over and we could make all sorts of things. You can teach me to be crafty. :)

    Tell Greg and little one I said Hi.

  3. These are ridiculously cute!

  4. Cute ideas! I am so happy that you guys FINALLY have a blog! I LOVE blogging and can't wait to keep checking for updates!

  5. I like reading the blogs but also like getting the pictures.
