
Jan 21, 2009

Recipe organization

As part of my organization Tuesday I decided I needed to do something about my growing stack of recipes. I decided to buy some inexpensive binders and some sheet protectors and just take care of the job. I decided a while ago that I had too many magazines around that I was holding one to for one or two recipes and decided to tear out what I wanted and throw the rest away. So I had a growing stack of recipes and they were hard to look through when I wanted something new. So I sorted them into 3 piles: desserts, main dishes and breads and muffins and then put them back to back in sheet protectors. Now they are easy to find, read and store. Some day when I have more time I will organize them into categories within each binder but for now this works great. Before


  1. You are so organized. Good for you. Someday I will be. I was wondering if you knew about the free kraft foods magazine. You can sign up on and get 5 free a year. I love mine, and use them all of the time. Their website is pretty cool as well. If you have not heard of it, you might enjoy it.

  2. Love it! Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of my years of cooking lights!

  3. I love this and I need to do this more then you know. I have so many recipes on my computer too that I need to print up and put in a binder!
