
Jan 5, 2009

Well here goes nothing

The first blog post. I must say getting started was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be (it took up more of Allie's nap time than I was anticipating) but alas, I have posted myself to the internet. I just wanted to quickly share my reasoning behind joining this blog mania. It actually started with my dear friend Charelle sending me a link to . I have checked out that blog faithfully ever since. It is super inspiring. It sparked my creative genes to get busy. Before I had Allie I figured I had to get in as much sewing, crafting, card making, scrapbooking as possible because once I had my baby I would not get the chance to again (at least not for a while). Then I had Allie and she became that love of my life (along with my husband of course) and I just kind of tucked away my creative ideas to use "some other time." But I got looking at all these creative and neat blogs of women that I don't know at all and I realized that I was missing something in my life and that was using my creativity to the fullest. So January marks a new year and one of my new years resolutions is to be more creative and so I thought that while was at it I would share it with whom ever happens upon Small fry & Co.

1 comment:

  1. Heath,

    A) I am SO glad you have joined the blogging world! I will be checking up on it faithfully for sure.

    B) I am SO glad you have decided to get back to your "craftiness" this year. You have such a talent and I can't wait to see some of the projects your post about. You are AMAZING!
