
Feb 14, 2009

A few V-day Pictures

I just wanted to quickly post a few highlight pictures of our Valentines Day. The pictures of small fry are blurry due to her super speedy reflexes. Just shows you how "busy" she can be some times.
Here is small fry with her card and puppy from Daddy.Here she is reading the card. (notice her baby with a basketball jersey on. Everyone gets in the spirit around here)
Here is my valentine from my husband. He made it himself. He was worried I would laugh. What could be better than to have your husband take a few minutes to create something for you. I can't think of a better and more thoughtful gift. I love it.

Here are small fry and daddy dressed up to go to a baptism at the church.
And this was a miracle to get. She has been doing this face voluntarily the last 2 days. Who knows where she came up with it but she sure is getting attention with this cute little face.
P.S. I posted a purse tutorial tonight also but because I started it a few days ago it shows up after my cupcakes post. So scroll down and check it out.


  1. I think it's the sweetest thing ever that your husband MADE you a Valentine!

  2. Love, love, love that homemade valentine! And your little girl is ADORABLE!!!
