
Mar 23, 2009

Inspiration update

I felt like I should check in and explain my recent lack of creative posts. I have just not been feeling well with this pregnancy and feel currently like I am in a creative slump. For some odd reason my nose hurts really bad with this pregnancy. Now isn't that just the strangest thing in the world. Feels like I have been punched in the nose but I haven't and it is causing a major creative block (well at least I am blaming it on that). So I promise creative things to come, hopefully soon.
In other news I have recently been featured on This is a way cool thing for me and I love having my ideas reach more people. I tried forever to add their "I've been featured button" but it is not working, or I am not working (we will blame the nose once again) so I will have to try again later. I don't think the feature has been published yet, I just got a e-mail to review it. I will link to it when it is published. But go and check them out in the mean time. Lots of great craft ideas. Hey I think I will spend some time searching for inspiration there later.


  1. Oh no! I hope you and your nose are feeling much better very soon!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops. I had some typos so let me start again. I have four kids and I totally lost all crafting desires when I was pregnant. Weird huh? It was like eating a food that made me nautious! After I had the babies my creativity juices starting flowing again.
    Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and get to feeling better!

  4. Hi Heather! Thanks for the mention. The eBook is indeed live! You can find it here: (pdf download).

    Thanks so much for participating! We had a blast putting this together!

