
Apr 4, 2009

Craft project and a 1 year old

Well an almost one year old. I wanted to get some thank you cards ready for after Small fry's Birthday. I have wanted to do a card with her hand print since she was a newborn but of course the challenge of figuring out how to get multiple hand prints with out her eating the ink or licking her hands or getting it all over her or trying to make it work while she slept was just too overwhelming to me. So on Friday I decided I had the perfect solution; chocolate pudding. I thought that at least this way if she licked her hands it wouldn't be harmful to her. So we set out on our first craft project together. In my mind I pictured myself getting some cute hand prints and her eating the pudding and getting it all over her but that was nothing I couldn't handle. Okay so to start I taped a piece of card stock to the back of a cookie sheet. This was to do the hand prints on.

Here is small fry before we began. I had a lady give me these bibs at my baby shower that have sleeves. They are the most ingenious thing for babies. I only wish it was made with a wipe clean fabric.

I started with having the pudding in the bowl (I know what was I thinking). Clearly that did not work so I ended up putting a blob of pudding on the tray of her high chair. What I did not expect was her complete and total disinterest in chocolate pudding. She didn't want to touch it, taste it or have anything to do with it. But I just rubbed her hands around in it and went about trying to get some hand prints on my paper. 3 papers later and only about 3 decent hand prints I abandoned the project and saved my poor child from the chocolate pudding.

At least the clean up was pretty easy. Here are the results.I still like the idea, I guess crafts and 1 year olds just don't mix. At least I am exposing her early.


  1. YOu can use plain yogurt and color it with food coloring if you want "colored" paint!

    We also painted with frozen blueberries:

  2. How cute. Good idea. By the way, I got the box yesterday...that card is just too adorable, even my hubby was excited about it!! I absolutely love the bags too.

  3. Cute idea, I wish I had more clever way to help you out :) Also I have a bib with long sleeves and wipeable material someone gave me. It is super old, and I have never been able to find anymore. They are awesome though.

  4. Hello my name is meryem I am Turkish very beatiful blog is very very candy baby is crazy project good by (
