
Apr 1, 2009

We have a winner

Here are all the names of those who left comments. You can find your name on the list.
I cut them up and put them in this basket.

Small fry did the honor. I can't believe how good she did at choosing.

I thought she might grab out a whole bunch and I would have to wait until she was just holding one and that would be the winner but she just reached in a picked one and the winner is......

The Caretaker. Congratulations. I sent you an e-mail with the details. If you did not receive it please leave me a comment. I hope you enjoy these.
For everyone else thank you so much for wanting to be a part of my first giveaway. It was so much fun I am looking forward to doing another one soon. Hope you keep checking the blog. I promise to try and keep up the creativity.
I included a little video of Small fry enjoying her job of drawing a name after the winner had already been picked. She loved all the little pieces of paper she got to play with. What a sweetie.


  1. She is SO adorable, how old is she?

    Congrats to The Caretaker!!

  2. Congratulations to The Caretaker.

    (Your little Small fry is such a doll!)

  3. Yay!!! I am so excited.Thank you soooo much small fry!!!!
