
Aug 13, 2009

Baby burp cloths and other baby creations

In case some of you have worried that I have lost my creative touch, I am finally here to post a few of my latest creations. I have been busy trying to make things for my Melon Days baby boutique and I have just been waiting to post a few of the projects all at once. My stack is getting bigger each day of items to sell and my craft room is beyond recognition and repair I am embarrassed to admit. It looks like an explosion happened in there and the amount of usable space is diminishing rapidly. I have decided to give up trying to "tidy" it up weekly as it is just no use. In just a few weeks the room will become small fry's and I will be relocated to the laundry room so I am just trying to grin and bear it until then. But that has not stopped my creativity. Here are a few of the latest creations.

First baby burp cloths. I found this idea on the blog Needle in a Haystack. I found this blog through the blog A little Tipsy. Both of these blogs are FABULOUS. I love it when I find great new blogs and tons of ideas. Thanks ladies to both of you. Anyway back to the burp cloths. On Needle in a Haystack she shows burp cloths that she made combining flannel and cloth diaper material. I didn't spend much time checking out what she did to make these. I saw the idea and immediately thought, "that is perfect!!!!!" and got to work. The flannel burp cloths are so cute but not very absorbent. This idea allows you to combine the cuteness of the flannel fabric with the practicality of the cloth diaper. GENIUS!!. Here is what I used.
I bought a package of these:

Then I just cut out my burp cloth with one piece of flannel and the other of the diaper material. I pinned them right sides together (p.s. is there a right side to a cloth diaper?) and sewed around the edge. Then I turned em right side out and sewed the opening closed and stitched all the way around. TADA, burp cloths, cute and absorbent. They are pretty light weight but I actually like them that way. I think they are easier to use.
Then I was thinking of a clever way I could package them up for my baby boutique booth and came up with this cupcake idea. I folded and rolled my burp cloth, along with a strip of extra material together to make the cupcake. Then I decorated with some ribbon and flowers and pins. It took me forever to get one just how I wanted it and after looking at it for so long I didn't even know if I liked it. But I persisted and made enough to take a few pictures. Then when I looked at them in the pictures I knew it was worth the effort. I think they turned out adorable. I am planning to package them as sets of 3 for my booth. I think I will look for some little boxes or something to put them in. Stay tuned for the final product.  For a tutorial on how to make these check out my interview over at U-Create

Here is another recent project; a little girls bow holder. I didn't want to make something that was too huge because I am trying to focus on baby stuff. I used an 8x10 " picture frame that I got at the DI. I repainted it and sanded the edges. I used my trusty Mod Podge to glue a piece of scrapbook paper over the backing of the frame. Then I added three ribbons to hold the hair clips.

Side view.
Another one with a different background.

Lastly, M is for Miracle.

I made one of these for the nursery in our home before small fry was born. Since we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl I made one that says, "Precious" and have it hanging over her crib. I wanted to make a few of these to sell as well. Here are just 2 of the ones I have made. I know that every baby is a miracle but for those who have been trying to have children for a while or thought they never could have children, the birth of their baby is extra miraculous. I made these with those people in mind.

I am extremely embarrassed to post these pictures with the carpet of my sewing room as the background. I do vacuum it once a week but small fry loves to take the strings out of the trash and sprinkle them everywhere and I am not too careful to make sure I throw any of mine directly into the trash after vacuuming day. Hence the terrible background. Sorry, it was late when I took the picture. No time for a cleaning. Boy and girl Miracle banners.


  1. I love all these ideas-especially the cupcake burp cloths-fabulous! Hope you sell out at the festival!
    C. O. in Ottawa

  2. Wow. These ideas are just amazing. Great job. It makes me want to drive down to your melon days and see all of your things.

  3. That was a great made such wonderful things. Good luck at your craft booth.

  4. I love the first idea! Those burp cloths are adorable. I'm so tempted to go grab a package or five of those cloth diapers and seeing what I can come up with. :-)

  5. Hi! Weirdly enough, I somehow stumbled over to your blog, and saw that you had had success with the baby burp cloths! Yay! And I love how you made them into cupcakes...that is just too adorable. And thank you for referring back to my blog. I so appreciate that! And thanks for grabbing a button! Good luck with your booth...I hope you sell a million!

