
Sep 11, 2009

A cookie nightmare on Clark street

Have you ever had monster cookies? Oatmeal, peanut butter, sugar, M&M's, chocolate chips, lots of butter and no flour? Well they are divine by anyones cookie standards and I have been making them for a few years. A student's mom gave me the recipe a few years ago when I needed to bake a bunch of cookies for a school event. She noted on the recipe that a half batch made quite a few and I have been baking half batches all along. The instructions for a full batch tell you to mix it in a washtub so that gives you a clue as to how many it makes. Well I decided I would make some Monster cookies with the Halloween M&M's my husband bought and I set out on the project. I think that I will blame my lack of judgement on pregnancy, when I started adding in the ingredients for a full batch of cookies. I should have clued in with the dozen eggs that this is not what I normally do but no, I just kept on adding. It wasn't until the 16 cups of oatmeal that I began to realize I had made a mistake. My bowl was too full, I didn't have enough M&M's, I couldn't hardly stir the stuff and I knew I would be baking cookies for the rest of the day.
Case in point: here is the bowl of cookie dough. (this is the largest bowl I own)

My cookie dough balls (notice how few you can fit on a pan at once)
This is how they look once baked. I think due to the fact that I had way more dough than I could mix by hand in my bowl, I didn' t get it mixed enough and though the cookies taste great, they were much softer than usual and therefore were a huge pain to deal with after the fact.
I don't think that anyone will disagree with me however when I say that a stack of cookies this size with a huge glass of milk would make anyones day (not that you should ever consume that many gigantic cookies in one day...or at least not in one sitting).
Hence the nightmare on Clark street as I had cookies on my island, my counter, my table and my freezer, plus some left on the pans one the stove. What will we ever do with all of these?


  1. That is too funny. A GIANT cookie, and I would love the recipe. I work at a daycare and the kids would love a MONSTER cookie just for fun :)

  2. I recently came upon your blog and I love this cute story! Your ideas are great, but we often make Monster Cookies at our house as well, although I have a much smaller recipe, I think. I usually double the batch and scoop the entire amount out onto wax or freezer paper, I stack them in freezer safe containers and freeze the dough. This way, I don't spend all day baking a ton of cookies and when we do feel like we need a treat, we can pull out just a few and bake. I have also been known to take the frozen dough and give it to friends who are a little "challenged" when it comes to baking. This way, they just have to put them in the oven and they feel accomplished.

    Thanks for having such a cute blog!

  3. Would love the recipe, do share!
