
Sep 22, 2009

Melon Days Review

Well thank you to everyone who wished me good luck with my booth at Melon Days. I think it was a pretty good success (a lot better than I thought it would be) and I am not disappointed that I did it at all (though it was nice to wake up Monday morning and not have to worry about getting Melon Days projects done). I got alot of great compliments from people that stopped at my booth and I made a bit of money too. For those who said they wish they could come, here's what you missed.
Can you believe that more than one person actually thought the "Small Fry & Co." sign was for sale?
Here I displayed binkie clips, diaper cards, and 'lil "guy"ser visors. The "guy"ser visors were one of the biggest hits ( I think it is because of the name [thanks hubby for the help.]) You could just see the lights go on in peoples heads as they read the label.
I hung my banners from clothes lines around the booth and displayed onesies and hair clips and change pads on the table. I have been working on this stuff since June but it wasn't until I started putting it all out that I realized just how much I had.
Change pads and booties. The booties were a hit also.
I displayed my burp cloth cupcakes on this cake stand along with some flower hair clips. (Can you also believe that a lady actually smelled the hair clip. Did she think it was real?) The burp cloth cupcakes were also a huge hit. People thought they were so cute. That was a real feather in my cap. They loved the packaging (not enough to buy all of them but those who bought them thought they were so fun). It was fun to watch people look at them and then discover what they were.
And here are some of the bibs and the change pad clutches (which I didn't sell one of. I think people thought they looked too big. I have a solution to that problem. I will post that later when I post what I have left over for sale).
Here are a few more highlight moments from the day:
-the first time grandmother who came and looked at everything and then said, "I am going to be a grandma for the first time I think I will get this" (a $1.00 burp cloth). That is it. Sorry lady but you are one cheap grandma.
-the lady who came in and proceeded to ask me how I made everything. I am talking from what materials were used, to what was in the middle of the change pads, to where I got the patterns from. I thought, "you are kidding me. Here I am selling this stuff for dirt cheap and you want all my secrets, tips and patterns." I mean I have looked and things and wondered in my head how I could reproduce the same thing at home (what creative person hasn't) but I haven't been bold enough to ask.
-the lady who asked what booth was mine and then picked up items one after the other and asked if I made it. "What part of 'I made all of this' didn't she understand?"
But the best were the two pregnant women who ooed and ahhed over everything and had the hardest time deciding what to spend their money on. It was customers like that that made every second of work worth it.
Thanks to everyone for your support and my mother in law for letting me use some of her space to sell all of it.
Lastly here are the family melon munchers. What a super cute bunch they are.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your booth doing well. All of your things are so cute. I will be excited to see your stuff online.
