
Sep 11, 2009

Noticably Absent

Some of you may have noticed that I have been MIA from the blogging scene for a few days (okay I think it has been a week). I have been meaning to post a few things but was just struggling to find the time. Then today both my brother and a great friend called to see if all was well since I hadn't updated my blog for a bit. I knew I had to find the time. The peach canning didn't do me in so don't worry. I have just been trying to do a number of projects at the same time. When small fry naps I go outside to paint her dresser and bookshelf for about 20 minutes, then come in and move some stuff out of my old craft room and into my new, plus do my daily To Do's, have a snack, organize my new craft room and occasionally make a phone call. I am getting about 2 and 1/2 hours of free time during the day so as you can imagine I am not sitting idle during that time. So don't worry, I am okay-just 8 weeks away from having another baby and slightly stressed.

Today marked two "firsts" for me.
#1-I have spent the whole day in my husbands basketball shorts and an oversized t-shirt and yes I hate to admit it but I even went out in public. I have never done that before (always said I never would) but I must admit it has be SOOOOO comfortable. I usually get dressed in good clothes everyday because I just feel better but today I was embarking on another first (see #2) and I didn' t want to get my good clothes all dirty.
#2-I dug, washed, cooked and peeled beets in preparation for making and canning beet pickles and beet relish for my husband. I have no interest in beets myself (I peeked in beet consuption at an early age and can't think about eating them for now) but my husband loves them and so it is all for him, but it is a really messy job. But we have a great crop of beets and I still have a desire to can so they will be put to good use.
And speaking of beets I just wanted to show you our HUGE beet (like the biggest one I have ever seen)

Look at that bad boy!! And my father in law said he didn't think anything that required long roots would grow here. Hah Hah-just look at that root. Don't tell me it can't be done.

1 comment:

  1. I love your #1 first. Comfort is on the top of my list when pregnant. My last few months of pregnancy it seems that the only thing that will fit me is my husbands sweats and t-shirts. And I love it. I love it so much that it is mostly what is in my wardrobe when I am not pregnant, except I now fit into my own. I should probably expand my wardrobe a little.

    I love all of your creations. You are so talented. I wish I was coming to Melon Days.

    One last thing, you little girl is so cute!!! I love it that she is into hunting videos.
