
Sep 17, 2009

What a week.

Wow, where has the time gone? This week has been insanely busy but very rewarding. I managed to get everything out of my old craft room and into my new, clean the old craft room (and let me tell you it was a disaster zone), I finished my melon days booth projects, I painted both a dresser and a book shelf for Small Fry's new room, I baked bread, I canned pickled beets, I planted Irises, I kept Small Fry entertained and I even completed my first fall project of the year. Here is a sneak peak. I will be posting a tutorial next week when I start getting out all of my fall stuff.

Also, I am guest blogging on U Create on Friday the 18th. Come by and check out my tutorial for my burp cloth cupcakes. What a great opportunity to be a guest blogger for Kari. I am so honored.
And now I must find my bed and colapse.


  1. Your burp cloth cupcakes are adorable and perfect for a shower that I am helping with. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Found you from U Create. I really like your ideas and all your crafts, so I have become a stalker. I mean, follower. Hope you have a wonderful friday and weekend!

  3. Found your blog through U create! Love the burp cloth cupcakes!! So cute! I have a craft blog you might enjoy

    Happy Crafting!!

  4. I already can't wait for your fall tutorial, looks adorable. I also found you through U Create. You have a great blog, I'll be back for sure :)
