
Oct 1, 2009

A question for the mothers out there.

I have been slowly checking things off my "to do list" before the baby arrives (p.s. thanks for all the nickname suggestions) and I have come to making a set of bumper pads for the crib for little girl #2. I didn't have any for small fry because I read everything I could get my hands on before she was born and there were a lot of things that said that bumper pads are not safe/recommended/whatever. So I was a firm believer that I was going to do just what the books told me. Problem was she was and still is a binkie girl and that blasted binkie would get knocked down between the slats of the crib almost nightly (when she was more mobile) and we would have to get up and do a major binkie search to find it and the other problem was that small fry was a night crawler. Long before she was able to crawl she was crawling/creeping in her crib at night and constantly we would wake up to a loud thud as she would hit her head at the end of the crib.
So this time around I am thinking I want to have bumper pads because I think they will be very useful to us and help eliminate some unnecessary waking up in the night. So my question to the mothers out there is: did you use/do you have bumper pads in your babies crib? Were you worried about safety and SIDS because of them? Did you feel like they were necessary or helpful?


  1. WIth my first I had the whole bed set EVERYTHING even a comforter thing that I NEVER used. With the next two I only bought a crib sheet! I just didn't want the babies scooting up into the corner and having all of that fluff around their face. I know what you mean, crawling around on your knees/belly, looking under, around the bed in the deep dark night. Been there!

  2. With my first I was a major "rule follower". It drove my hubby nuts :)
    I didn't use bumper pads but found the same thing- that our little guy would wake himself up by crashing into the rails. Y-OUCH! He'd also lose his soother and I had tons of fun trying to find it in the dark while he screamed.

    When we had our second I decided to break the rules. We put bumper pads up (although I tucked them into the sides of the crib so that only half of the bumper pad was sticking up, because I was nervous with the possibility of our daughter getting stuck against the sides. She didn't. In fact she slept wonderfully.

    I kept the bumper pads up for our third. I also let her sleep on her tummy. Gasp! I know! It was extremely difficult for me to do that one, but it was the only way she would sleep. She had really bad colic and being on her tummy helped.

    Annnnyways, wow, that was probably WAY to much information. Just wanted to let you know I totally get where you're coming from.

    Best advice: go with your mama instinct :)

    p.s I really enjoy reading your blog :)

  3. I didn't with my first but they were a must with my second. My second one use to move around a lot (even as a newborn) and would hit her head on the bars. bumper pads helped keep her asleep. I keep her bed basically empty and make sure they are on tight (ours are also tucked into the sides). They also don't have a ton of cushion so I don't think they cause much concern.

  4. First things first, I LOVE your blog! Its so cute and you are one talented lady -- I apologize for being a blog stalker up until now.
    We're expecting our second right now as well and after reading the other comments you have received, I'm feeling a tad on the "bad mommy" side: we totally used a bumper with our first and I have full intention of using one again this time around. We had both the binky and "moving around in his sleep" situations and the bumper definately helped each one alot. To ease my mind about SIDS, I just always tie it about 1-2 inches above the top of the mattress so that if by chance he does get his face wedged between mattress and bars (which he never has), there would be a gap for air, but still some cushion to soften the blow.

    Wow. Was that a long answer or what? I promise I'm not always so long-winded. Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure it will be wonderful -- good luck!!

  5. No bumpers in this house. My solution to the dummy problem (or binkie as you call them there - very cute) is to put several in the cot with her. She starts with eight (sounds like a lot but that seems to be the magic number) and she normally will still have a couple in there by morning. It also means that she can always find one. She sleeps in all sorts of strange positions so I would be too nervous to put a bumper in with her (plus she'd probably use it to try and climb out LOL.) I think you need to do what is right for you and your baby. You can always put them in later if you need them or take them out if they are a problem.

  6. I used bumpers too but only around 3 sides, leaving the front open so I could see him as well as for proper ventilation. I folded the excess material back on two sides of the backside and it worked perfectly. D was a tummy sleeper too as soon as the belly button fell off and that is when at only weeks old, he slept 12 hours through the night. i have never worried about sids. if you are, get a little fan to run while they are sleeping to keep the air moving.

  7. I used bumpers with my first and will use them with my second as well. I didn't have any problems with using them. Trust your momma instincs though. Every child is different. Good luck!

  8. I didn't use any with either of my girls. I didn't feel comfortable when I used them with my first because I couldn't easily see into her crib. If I wanted to do a quick check all I'd have to do is peek into her room and wouldn't have to go all the way up to her crib (and possibly wake her). They do make mesh breathable bumpers, but that wouldn't solve the head banging, at least the binkie would stay in. Good luck!

  9. I have 4 kids and I used a bumper pad for all of them.

  10. I used bumpers with all three of my kiddos. When they were newborns till about 6 months I only had three sides up. But after that I used all 4 sides. My son is one of those babys that scoots in his sleep and he constantly pushes his head on the bumper.

  11. I didn't use bumper pads, just because of all I'd read. I know a lot of people who use them, they just weren't for us.
    As for the pacifier, we bought one of those pacifier clips that clip to their clothes and after we put that on her we never lost another pacifier. She can always find it in the middle of the night because she feels for the ribbon and then pulls the pacifier into her mouth.

  12. I use bumpers. If I don't, my kids get their arms and legs stuck in between the bars.

  13. i tucked them in like Simply Sara did and that was with my first one.
    i am expecting my second one now and i have it set up the same way but on the other hand, my babies don't sleep on their crib until they are almost 3 months old.

  14. Thanks for all the comments. Totally eases my mind if I decide to use them or if I don't. It is good to know others have had the same situations and concerns. Nice to not be alone in these mommy decisions.

  15. I didn't use them at first, mostly I was slightly freaked out about the whole SIDS thing. I talked to my pediatrician, who has eight kids of his own. He said that he's heard the "rules" change so many times over his years of practice that I should let the baby do what feels right to them. I should still avoid all the fluffy and frilly, but don't worry about a baby that won't sleep on her back. He actually suggested that once she started getting a little more mobile, I should use bumpers in the crib. He usually follows this rule because most people keep their babies close to them in a bassinet during infancy, but that if I were already using a crib, it would be fine to put the bumpers in as long as I was diligent about checking them and making sure they were tied tightly. It's not the bumper itself that is dangerous, but when they get too loose or are too fluffy, they can mold to a baby's face.

  16. I have to say I am a major bad mommy, rule breaker! I went for the bumper pads, comforter, everything! And used it! My kids have always had blankets on them (I love my house to be cold to sleep), and have always had bumpers... My kids like to get their legs stuck through the slats if not! And then they wake up because it is stuck and they can't roll over... Once a year old, they all had pillows! Small ones, but they had them! My husband is in the medical field and it is scientifically proven that SIDS is not preventable! So I say go ahead! It does make a difference!

  17. All 3 of my kids had bumper pads, blankets and stuffed animals in their crib. And they were tummy sleepers. I did take down the bumper with my youngest because he liked to push it down as far as he could. Which would lead to loosing his beloved pacifier. But 2 nights in a row his little ankle got caught in the railings. That was so scary to me, he cried so bad. So the bumper is back up.

    I think its awesome that you are making yours, is it hard? With Baby #4 on the way I would love to make stuff for her/him.

  18. IF your child can move his head into the bumper pads, he can move them out. I used them with both my girls and they are alive and kicking!

  19. I did use bumper pads with my daughter. She didn't spend much time in her crib before she was 6 months though. I was always concerned about her safety, but we never had any problems with them, or even any kinds of close calls or anything. I know people worry about them using them to climb out when they're older too, and although my daughter uses anything she can find to climb she never climbed on the bumper. Those bumpers saved us from many "ouchy's" like your first my daughter is an "active sleeper" and was even when she was teeny tiny. It's a decision that you need to feel good about, so go with your gut. I'm sure you know this, but our babies are much stronger and more resilient than we give them credit for.

  20. I was really glad to see this post. We are adopting (hopefully) in November, and I am going back in forth about the bumpers! We had them for our daughter, but I only put them up when company came over. She was an active baby/toddler, but she also slept so hard that we were terrified to use them. We still havent made a decision about it. I am looking forward to rereading these comments and any new ones before he is born.

  21. I don't have kids yet, but I just recently saw an ad for bumpers made out of pool noodle foam. They are only about the size of pool noodles too-not very high. The ad said they were better because they were so firm, they prevented stray pacis and trapped arms/legs. Also being so firm they lifted up easily to change the sheets. You are a good sewer, I bet you could make your own with some slip covered pool noodles.

  22. Found a link to them:

  23. I used the crib pads with both kids and had no problems.

  24. I used crib pads for my daughter and it was fine. I did worry at first so i watched her during nap time some in the beginning. She was fine. I'm using them again with my new addition. :)

  25. If you're still wondering about this check out the link...

    it's a mesh bumper that your baby can breathe through and it will keep your babies pacifiers from falling off and their legs and arms from getting stuck between the slats.
