
Mar 17, 2011

"Hoo can help?" An owl repurposing question

I bought this recently at a thrift store.  My mom has collected owls since before my own life began but I have never had any interest in them (maybe that is because we had to dust the collection of a bizillon owls regularly).  But right now owls are all the rage and I am finding myself drawn to them too. 
 So I covered the owl cut out with some paper but then I got stuck.  I can't make up my mind which way I should decorate him.  So I am asking for your help.  Leave a comment letting me know if you like:
Option #1
 or Option #2
Or if you have some other brilliant idea I would like to hear that too.  My plan once he is covered is to cut out some vinyl letters to say, "Knock Knock. Hoo's There?" and put is by our front door since our doorbell broke.  I would love your opinions.  Thanks.


  1. I like option 2, it breaks up the patterned paper.

  2. I like option 2 as well, but I have another idea for that belly patch, chalkboard paint or contact paper. That way you can change up the message from time to time.

  3. I too like #2! I think Jane's idea is fabulous! Or you could use tin and make magnets too. So much fun and so many possibilities!!

  4. It honestly took me a second to focus and realize those were two different pictures!! I like option #2 as well because it breaks up the patterned paper. Cute, I bet your mom will love it!

  5. Either way your owl is adorable! I think I like the second one.

  6. I love the idea of doing a chalk board center-I could totally do that. Maybe I could cut a center piece of the same paper I had choose a bit larger so I could still put it in the middle and then do a chalkboard in the center of that. Thanks a million for everyone's suggestions.

  7. I like option door bell ;) Actually I like nuber 2!!!
