
Apr 6, 2011

Calling All Creative Moms

The reason I started blogging is because I started reading blogs.  I would find myself thinking, "I can do that," or "I have been making those forever," or "I can make something much nicer," I mean "as nice as that."  So I started a craft blog and boy it has been a wonderful and frustrating experience all wrapped in one.  Getting followers, getting comments, figuring out how to design a good looking blog, continuously coming up with new ideas-it has all been very rewarding and very hard at the same time.  But thanks heavens for my wonderful readers and followers who I know appreciate what I do-that keeps me going.  Well I had an idea. Maybe there are other moms out there who are just wanting to have someone else see their stuff; their ideas.  Maybe it's you-maybe you have a blog and are watching your followers box grow at the rate of a snail.  Maybe you have just started a blog and want to get a little extra exposure.  Maybe you have created something fantastic (the latest thing that you are sure everyone will die for) and you want to get it out there in as many places as you can.  Or maybe you have a family or private blog but are creative as heck and just want to share what you can do. Sometimes I read blogs that have a bazillion followers and when they post that they just sneezed they get like 75 comments and "Crafting with the Stars" and every "big time blog" wants them and I think, "man I can do the same things she can do-where's the love people?"  Well if you feel like any of these categories apply to you then I would like to invite you to join me on my "Unsung Creative Moms Week."  It is going to be a week of guest posts (as many as want to share) from bloggers that are new, trying to gain a following, wanting to share their tutorials or just wanting someone else to see their stuff.

If you would like to participate here are the details:
-Send me an e-mail ( with a link to your blog and what you blog about
-You will need to prepare a guest post either with a tutorial, or just showcasing some of your ideas and of course your blog if you want (and a bit about you as well).  Your post can be about crafting, sewing, decorating or cooking (anything creative).  Any posts that don't meet the criteria will not be published.
-You will need to send me the html of your post via e-mail.
-During the week of Creative Moms you will need to post on your blog linking to Small Fry.
-Posts will go live the first week in May.  All posts must be received by April 27th. 


  1. Great idea! I'd love to year. This year my April has booked up with non blogging work so fast I hope that at the end I will still be in one piece! I have felt all those things tho! (Oh, and I am not actually a mom.)

  2. I'm so excited! Makes me want to come up with something new and exciting. My creative juices are flowing, time to start brainstorming, lol.

  3. What a great idea! I have often thought all of things :)


  4. I often wonder what makes the "big blogs" so cool. I don't have an answer. Blogging definitely can be frustrating! This sounds like a great idea. I hope it goes well!

  5. My blog is more random than simply crafts.. more religion, dealing with teh looming spectre of the empty nest and my only son's enlistment into the Marines. Ooorah! I do have one post that is all crafty that you may enjoy. It's step by step instructions for making a chocolate Easter Basket.
