
Apr 11, 2011

Make Ahead Monday-Muffins

For those of you who have been following for a while this will be a repeat of an idea I posted previously but in case you are new to Small Fry then I must share with you my make ahead and freeze muffin idea.  I know you are probably thinking, "This is nothing new.  You make some muffins, bake em and freeze what's leftover-what's so new about that?"  What's new is: you don't need to bake em before you freeze them.  I am telling you, except for one muffin recipe I have all the others just taste the best right out of the oven.  In college they taught us that a quick bread (which muffins are) is something that is to be eaten quickly (I know-deep!!!)  They aren't at their best the next day or even out of the freezer.  So instead of baking a whole batch and then throwing away uneaten muffins later, make a whole batch of batter, bake as many as you know your family will eat and freeze the rest.  Here is what I do:
I line my muffin pan with paper liners
I use my large cookie dough scoop and portion out my muffin batter into the pan
I put the pan as is in the freezer until the muffins are firm
Then I bag them up and store them in the freezer
When I want fresh muffins I grab out 4 or 5 (or however many I need) and bake them.  You need to increase your baking time (mine usually take at least a half hour to bake).
No more wasted muffins that are stale and uneaten.

Here are a few of my favorite muffin recipes to try this with:

These are super good with blueberries or raspberries.

I omitted the orange peel and substituted honey for the molasses

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