
Jun 9, 2011

Fathers Day "Grillin Pro" Apron

Remember that 3 pack of aprons I bought at Sam's Club for $10.00 (I used one to make for my cooking debut on local television that I didn't end up doing because I got sick and they never gave me a second chance...not bitter...just bummed.), well I decided to use one to make a perfect Father's Day gift for my husband:
 I wanted it to say "Grill Master" but I was in a time crunch when I started this project and "Master" had too many letters to trace, cut out and then sew on.  "Grill Pro" is just as appropriate. 
The letters are from a cut up t-shirt.  I found the clip art for the hamburger here and added my own slice of cheese and tomato.  I love how the hamburger turned out.  I am pretty sure my husband, "Chef Gregorio" (his grillin name) will love it too.


  1. That is way cool! I want to see a picture of him wearing it!!!

  2. PS... if he's "shy"... you can blur his face LOL

  3. i love your new layout/background! it's super cute! i also like the apron, good idea for my grill'in man!
