
Jul 6, 2011

Clothespin Holder

I am not sure if I am ahead of or behind in the clothesline revolution but I have finally got a clothesline in my backyard and I LOVE IT!!  I wanted to make something that was cute and functional to hold my clothespins.  This project was inspired by Martha Stewart.  She had made a laundry bag similar to this.  Here is how to make the clothespin version.
1 embroidery hoop (both pieces).  The size does not really matter (not too big, but big enough to get your hand through it). Mine was 7 1/2"
1 piece of fabric (to figure out how much fabric you will need measure the diameter of the hoop and x that by 3.14  This will give you the length of the fabric).  The width I used was 12". 
1 3x9" strip of fabric
2 sets of snaps
To begin fold the long piece of fabric in half width wise and sew a 1/4 " seam.  Because this is going to be outside I decided to serge all my edges first to prevent unraveling and fraying in the wind.  If you don't do this I would suggest pinking the edges or zig zagging.
On one end sew a basting stitch and gather the end like this:
Now stitch with a regular stitch across this same end to close the end.
On the opposite end, make a small 1/2" hem.  If you have done some treatment to the edge to prevent fraying then just fold once, if not fold twice.  Stitch in place.
Fit the pouch to your hoop.
Tighten the hoop so that both pieces fit snug around the fabric.
Next take your strap piece (3x9") and fold it in half lengthwise.  Sew a 1/4" seam.  Turn this piece right side out and press it so that the seam is in the middle instead of on the edge.
I happen to have had one already done out of a fabric with coordinating colors.  Notice the seam is in the middle.  I think it gives it a cleaner look this way.
Tuck a 1/2" in on both ends of this piece and stitch closed.  Next attach your set of snaps.  I used two snaps for extra durability.  If you don't have these kind of snaps you could use a button or velcro would work probably.  ( I wasn't sure if velcro would hold up with the strong winds we have here).  You can buy a kit to attach these kind of snaps for around $10.00.  They are pretty easy to attach (just follow the directions instead of thinking you can figure it out on your own...I know from experience).
The strap with close like this.
Now put your hoop back on and attach it to your clothesline.  This works perfect.  It slides along the line as you hang or take off clothes.  It stays open so it is easy to get your clothespins out and it doesn't spill (and it has been tested in some strong winds).  Cute and functional-just what I wanted.


  1. You are two steps ahead of me...I am saving up my Amazon gift cards to get my clothesline:) And I am already planning out my clothespin holder. I love your idea for using the embroidery hoop at the top!

  2. Love it! A modern version of the one my grandma had.
