
Jan 3, 2013

Happy 4th Blogging Anniversary to Small Fry & Co. and Some Goals for the New Year.

2013 marks the 4th year of Small Fry & Co.  It has been a rocky last year but I am looking forward to 2013 for this blog.  I am 109 followers away from 1000 which has always been my goal so I hope to reach that magical number of 1000 this year and surpass it.  As I have thought about things I want to blog in the new year it has become more and more important to me make sure that what I am blogging about is real and honest and helpful.  I don't ever want anyone to read my blog and then feel guilty because they may not be able to achieve something so "perfect" in their home (oh if you only knew).  I think that the more kids you have, the more prone you are to label yourself as a "bad" parent.  You aren't-and you aren't trying to be but let's face it-it doesn't get easier with more kids, it just gets crazier.  Moms are too hard on themselves for sure-me included.  I have read blogs which portray everything as perfect-the house is always clean, the furniture matches and is gorgeous, the food probably is never burned, and the art work is happily displayed on the walls (instead of stuffed behind the lotion bottle on the bathroom counter).  They seem to have time to do it all and come up with gorgeous projects that I love but can't afford to reproduce and don't have the time (or equipment) to reproduce.  So my hope is that when you read Small Fry you don't feel like it is a place that makes you feel like you have to do more and be more than you are already trying to do and be. I want you to feel inspired but not overwhelmed.  I hope I can offer cute, fun, hopefully easy ideas and as many of them as possible to make your home that much better but I never want you to leave Small Fry thinking that you are not doing a good job.  So this year I am making an extra special effort to keep it real.  I love this blog- I have tried to give it up a couple of times and it just keeps coming back to me which tells me that it is something that I am supposed to do but there is a price to pay for writing a blog.  People always ask me, "How do you find the time?" and the truth is that I go to bed at midnight sometimes and I wake up at 5:30 or 6:00 am to try and blog for a few minutes before the baby cries and I go all day long-I multi-task, I don't sit down and watch tv or read-I am just always doing something (that is just how I am-I always have a hundred irons in the fire at once).  It is time consuming and to write a craft blog it is really time consuming.  Right now the only free time I seem to have is at night and that is not conducive to taking step by step pictures and since it is winter I seem to have more free dark hours than anything else so bare with me-fabulous tutorials will come once again-I PROMISE.  For now, how's this for keeping it real:
Now enough blogging for this morning: I have 3 of these that have been waiting to be put away for a few days.  Maybe I will get to them today.  The baby is crying-gotta run.  Thanks for your support of 
Small Fry & Co.  It is going to be a great year.


  1. Happy New Year.Hope you get that milestone!

  2. Thank you for all you do for your bloggy friends! Being a mommy is tough. I have actually stopped reading some of my favorite blogs because I noticed that when I read them I would start feeling down and looking at how imperfect my house/life is. I have always loved your blog and felt that you know how it is to have lots of little ones that are close in age (I have an 11y/o 4y/o, 3y/o, and 2y/o and they are ALL girls!!) So, please know, that even though I don't comment often I check your blog daily and love all you do. Thank you from the bottom of my tired/5-loads-of-laundry-piled-up/burnt-dinner-so-sent-hubby-to-get-fried-chicken/scrubbing-the-toilet-will-have-to-wait-until-tomorrow heart!

  3. Sheena-I feel as though we should be best friends. Thank you for your comment.

  4. Congratulations on reaching your 4th blog anniversary. I hope you have many more happy years of blogging!
