
Jan 21, 2013

Make Ahead Monday: Freezer Bread Revisited

I know I haven't done Make Ahead Monday posts in forever but I have gotten so many e-mails and comments about this particular post that I thought it would be a great way to get me back into the the Make Ahead Mode (listen-right now there isn't time for making much of anything in my life...I am in more of a "go to Burger King for fries and nuggets" mode but the Make Ahead lifestyle is much better so I have to get back into it). 
A while back I posted about making and freezing bread dough to thaw over night so that you could bake it in the morning.  I didn't however include the recipe which was kinda dumb but I guess I just figured people would use whatever bread recipe they wanted.  But every comment or e-mail I have received about this post asks for the recipe so I am reposting the original along with the recipe this time.
And just in case you are wondering if the recipe is good or a keeper I included a scan of my own original copy (you can rest assured it is tried and true):

As you can see it is very well used.
So here is the legible version (and now mom you can look here for your own bread recipe instead of calling me for it).

2 Cups Mashed potatoes (or 1 cup potato flakes)-if you happen to mash your potatoes with sour cream those left over potatoes in this bread are really yummy.
5 cups water (125-135 degrees)
2/3 to 3/4 cup sugar (I used 3/4)
3/4 cup oil
2 1/2 Tbsp salt (I used Kosher)
3 T quick rise yeast
3 Tbsp vinegar
7 cups flour (I use part whole wheat usually and when I do I add 1/2 cup wheat gluten as well and add a bit extra yeast)
4 eggs

Add potatoes, water, sugar, oil, salt, vinegar, eggs and 1/2 the flour to your mixer.  Sprinkle the yeast on top of the flour (not directly into the water).  Mix using a bread hook (of course).  Continue to add remaining flour (I honestly don't know how much I use because bread making isn't exact-it is more of a "by feel" experiment.)  When you have a dough that pulls away from the edges of the bowl, is not super sticky but is still quite soft stop your machine and cover the bowl with a towel to rest for 10 minutes.  After the rest,form your loaves or rolls and place in greased pans.  This is where you would freeze the dough (see the original post for instructions).  Let the dough rise until doubled in a warm location (I like in a window, out on the back steps in warm weather, in the oven after it has been slightly warmed or by the fire).  Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped.  Take out of the oven and cool for just a minute in the pans and then turn out onto cooling racks to finish cooling.  You can also freeze baked loaves which works good as well but not as good as fresh baked.

Bread baking requires practice and some trial and error.  If you are a first timer I am not going to tell you that you can't screw this up because the truth is that you can screw up any bread recipe.  So pay attention to what kind of yeast you are using, your water temperature (use a thermometer) and remember that a soft dough produces soft bread.

I hope this helps all of you that want to try the make ahead freezer bread method.  Just remember that frozen bread dough needs a nice warm place to rise.  Happy baking...and eating.


  1. is this Baba's recipe? Daniel has been wanting me to make bread with her recipe but I keep forgetting to ask anyone for it!

  2. No Jenny this is Aunty Mary Pelchats recipe which might be the closest you will get to Babas. I don't think anyone has her recipe because it was only in her head.
