
Jan 9, 2013

You, Me and a 6 Pack-Valentines Cupcake Box

One of the recent items that Wholeport sent me was this fabulous cupcake box:

At $1.99 a piece I think these might become a staple supply in my house because they are so fun.  I covered mine with scrapbook paper and added an argyle pattern to the front with paper and paint.  I created a super simple tag.  If you would like I have included a link to it at the end.

I tried to think of a perfect occasion to give someone a box of cupcakes and what better holiday than Valentines Day.  Wouldn't it be fun to send a picture of this to your hubby or boyfriend while he is at work, or have it on the table Valentines Day morning, or have it delivered to him at work.

 The cupcakes are chocolate with Oreo butter cream frosting.  Recipes can be found here and here.

 These wouldn't only work for Valentines Day.  You could send someone a "sixpack" with a note saying, "Heard you had a hard day.  Maybe a sixpack will help" or "Congratulations.  Here is a sixpack to celebrate."  There are lots of possibilities.  See-that is why you need lots of these boxes on hand.

Onlookers/droolers.  They said any daddy would love these cupcakes (kids too).

A sweet, and romantic way to celebrate Valentines day.

Also shared here:

The 36th AVENUE


  1. This is such a CUTE idea!! And those cupcakes look delish! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you - looks so yummy
    going to need to get some boxes
