
Mar 15, 2013

A blogging Pause-Yet Again

Almost 2 years ago today everything in my blogging world was going great: I was gaining new followers, I was getting great comments, I was being asked to guest post and do feature projects, I had tons of ideas and had posts written up to 2 or more weeks in advance.  Then the news came that my dad had cancer-serious cancer and the prospects weren't good.  So I dropped everything and went home to be with him in Canada for a month or more.  Time went on, he went into remission and life slowly started to get kinda normal.  I however could not get caught up on blog stuff-though I tried hard to.  Fast forward a year and the exact same thing happened-the cancer was back with a vengeance   The outlook was not good and I dropped everything and went home again for over a month to be with him.  And once again he went into remission and life seemed to get normal except this time I was pregnant with my son and I had a hard time bouncing back in the blogging world.  Try as I may, I just couldn't keep up though I could not (even though I tried) give up blogging.  Since then I feel like I have been on the outside of a big building watching through the windows as bloggers that were where I was a few years ago are big now, with what seems like tons of opportunities and followers, comments, sponsors, even books.  I feel like I just can't break the blogging barrier and get on the inside.  It has been discouraging to say the least as I try to come up with fresh, creative, inspiring content and yet my page views seem low and comments are at an all time low.  And yet it is something I love to do and want to succeed at, and it fills my creative bucket and gives me a reason to create and so I don't want to quit even though I feel like I can't bounce back.  Well once again I have been hit with the hard news that my dad's cancer is back.  Only this time there is nothing more that can be done.  It is aggressive, and it is taking it's toll.  He is worse now than ever and time is not on our side it seems.  So once again I am dropping everything and heading home to stay indefinitely to be with him and let my kids be with him for whatever kind of days we have left.  So once again this blog will be on hold.  My parents just don't have technology in their home that is updated enough to manage blogging.  I was going to load a bunch of pictures so I could just write when I got home but my plan to leave in 2 weeks has been altered to leaving today as my dad took a turn for what seems to be the worst.  So I don't even have time for that right now.  Plus I am going home for family-not to blog.  So I am asking you to bear with me-yet again.  Maybe I will post something and maybe not.  I have lots of cute ideas to share but the timing is just not right.  Thanks to everyone who reads, those few who comment and everyone who "pins" stuff (pinning is my biggest traffic source).  I so greatly appreciate the support. I will be in touch.  I will probably add updates on my Facebook page.  I'll be back to a little while.


  1. my mother has dealt with cancer twice in 3 years and it's a difficult thing to deal with under the best of circumstances. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Blogging will always be around, our families will not, and those of us who enjoy reading all your cute ideas will be here waiting whenever you get back:)

  2. Travel safe, my friend! We will miss you! :) ((Big Hugs!))

  3. I will be here waiting for you!! My thoughts are with you and your family!! Prayers for your Dad too!

  4. Sorry to hear. make those last moments memorable. Family is the most important thing!

  5. I read daily, but rarely comment. Take your time. Family comes first. I'll be here when, and if, you get back.

  6. There are so many things more important than blogging and this time with your father would be first on any list. Take care.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. Your family is so important. Prayers for you and your family.

  8. Good luck with everything. You'll always be on my reader!

  9. You will be missed, and my thoughts are with you and your family.

  10. My thoughts are with you and your family as you confront this head on. I hope that your Dad gets time to share with you as many happy memories as he can. Take as long as you need.

  11. You will be with your family. The most important thing! I love your blog and enjoy watching your kids grow. Enjoy your time with your father. Treasure the moments with him that you will have as memories for the your life.

  12. I am so sorry to read about your father. Your family is the most important thing at the moment. Don't worry about your blog , start again when you can!

  13. So sorry to hear about your Dad!! My prayers are with you, and as everyone else has said, family is the most important thing right now. You'll be so glad that you spent the time you did with your Dad. God bless!

  14. I am so sorry to hear about your dad! Spend time with him and cherish it. Blogging will always be here when you need it. Prayers for you and your family.

  15. Thank you for all you have shared - I hope you get to spend some time adding to the memories created with your family.

  16. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

  17. I love your blog! Of course you are amazing, and of course you are making the best decision! Enjoy your family. Us blogging viewers will be here when you feel like getting back to us.
