
May 8, 2013

"You are Berry Sweet"- A Super Easy Teacher Appreciation Idea

 'Tis the season for teacher appreciation ideas and so I thought I would share my quick and easy idea.  This is one that would  be perfect for those, "Oh garbage....I forgot to get a gift for the teacher" moments or it is also perfect as a gift for someone that doesn't eat lots of sugar or may have other diet restrictions.  I made this for Small Fry's ballet teacher who is my good friend.  I know she is trying to be "healthy" and I am pretty much a diet sabatoger but I decided that instead of giving her something that would be hard for her to resist I would try and support her healthy eating habits and get strawberries.  Add a bit of gingham and some lace and this free printable tag and you are set-perfect for someone that you feel is "berry sweet".

And as a bonus idea (this is just the idea-someone out there could definitely make this much cuter) "Do you Donut?....We think you are the best _________."  I made this for Small Fry for after her dance recital.  It was a last minute thing but I wanted a surprise for her to come home to.  Like I said, you could totally make this so much cuter.  This could be used for so many things-notes for kids, for grandparent or for fathers day or for a teacher.

There you go-2 super quick and easy appreciation ideas-especially if you need something at the last minute.

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