
Jun 23, 2009

Order up Dad

I saw this idea on Bakerella and I instantly loved it. She has such amazing ideas but usually I don't have the ingredients handy or it looks like something that is not able to be made with a 1 year old tugging on my pants continuously. But these looked right up my alley. And they were so easy to make. Even those of you who are beginner bakers could do this. You just need a cake mix, a brownie mix, a packaged sugar cookie mix and a can of frosting. Click on the link above to find all the instructions and pdf files for the containers. I can picture these at a birthday party, or a barbeque. My husband was so impressed and we took the extras to some friends and the kids loved them.

Here I am in action

My husband diving in.


  1. My neighbor made these for our YW bake sale on Saturday and she, too, said they were WAY easy.

  2. Oh my gosh love this idea too!! My hubby would have loved these, maybe soon for a summertime BBQ I will feel inspired to make it.

  3. Wow that is so neat, at first I thought they were real burgers and fries, they look yummy! =)

  4. I saw this post too, and thought what a great idea! I just didn't take the time to actually make them. Way to go!

  5. So super cute since your dd's nickname is "Small Fry."
