
Aug 2, 2009

New Blogs to Check out

I just took a minute to update my sidebar and add a few links to some new blogs I have found. I know when I first started blogging I always checked out sites other people had on their sidebars. It is hard to keep that updated but I think it is really helpful to people. Here are a few new blogs that I have found and really enjoy (You will have to click on the side bar to link sorry- just easier that way)

It's a Girl Thing- She links to other blogs with creative ideas and has some of her own. You can never find enough of these kind of blogs if you are searching for new ideas.

Nap Time Crafts- A woman after my own heart. A busy mom who tries to squeeze a craft or two in during nap time. She has cute ideas.

My Crafty Side- Another woman after my own heart trying to squeeze a craft or two into her day. Check out her stroller diaper bag. Love it!!

That went Well- Just found this today via Sugardoodle. She has money saving tips and coupons. I linked because she had a post about $10.00 in free Schwans food. I went to the site and entered and got 24 root beer float bars for free. How great is that. Going to keep tabs on this site. Sorry probably it isn't going to be helpful for anyone out of the U.S.

Happy blog searching.

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