
Aug 31, 2009

To Do's

I usually post my To Do list Sunday night but I forgot to put it on my last week's to do list and so here I am Monday morning posting. It is kind of nice because I can already check off a big chunk of Monday's projects. If you ever feel like you don't get things done then try writing up the To Do list after the fact of all you did in the day. Then cross it off. Chances are you are doing more than you think (isn't that right mom).

Monday: House cleaning, cucumbers in pickle crock, Melon Days projects
Tuesday: Chocolate zucchini bread, lemon poppy seed muffins, jar labeling project
Wednesday: New craft room organizing, old craft room cleaning
Thursday: Primary meeting, crafts (all day)
Friday: Baseball game out of town, take truck in for tune up
As a side note, I got a comment on an old post from a Jennifer about making "these" for her daughters party and wondering what kind of glue I used. I am sorry but I can't track down what project you are referring too so would you mind sending me a comment again and letting me know what you are referring to and I will be glad to answer.

1 comment:

  1. You are one busy lady. Where is your new craft room going to be?
