
Sep 17, 2009

Melon Days Sneak Peak Part 2

Here is the second half of the Melon Days booth projects and I am happy to report I am finished. I am not making another thing (well that may not be true, I might whip up a few more hair clips tomorrow...we'll see). I am going to attempt to sell some of this (all would be nice but not likely in my town) on Saturday so wish me luck.
Small reversible bibs.

Decorated wipes containers
Diapers and Wipes pouches.
Baby Booties (You can find a tutorial for these here)

Little Boys Ties (A tutorial for these can be found here. I made mine differently but the tutorial is a great source of inspiration)

Various flower and ribbon hair clips
I am sure you have seen these around (Pee Pee Teepees). I have seen them at Motherhood Maternity. They are cute but overpriced in most stores I am sure. I made these and had my husband help me come up with a different name. He is a genius. He came up with "Lil "Guy"ser Visors"

Baby is sleeping door hangers. I have always wanted one of these so I can alert my husband, In-Laws, visitors to be extra quite when entering the house while the baby is sleeping. I know, I know, I should just train my child to sleep through anything. I thought I had but I now realize that is not the case. Anyway I think they would be a super handy thing for any new parent.

Here is the girls version.
Baby glasses. I think these would be really cute on a shelf by your changing table. They are perfect for holding all the extras needed for your baby.
A few wooden signs.
Lastly a couple of "baby notes" clipboards. These could be used for writing down questions to ask your doctor, keeping track of diapers and feedings, or just writing down cute things your baby did.
There you have it. Like I say, we will see how it goes on Saturday. Stay tuned to see what I have left over and will be selling here.


  1. Awesome!!! I'm excited to come by and check it all out!

  2. your booth will be colorful and beautiful! thanks for sharing all of the photos and tutorial links!

  3. I came from Ucreate. I think all your items are so cute for your craft show. I am also getting ready for a craft show in 2 weeks (vinyl lettering) and I know it is SO much work to get ready. I hope it all sells!

  4. Wow, everything looks incredible!!! I especially love the Lil' Guy-sers and ties -- so cute!

  5. Your stuff is so cute! and your prices seem reasonable (pictures from previous post.) YOu should have no problem selling those! Where is melon days?

  6. I will be at Melon Days tomorrow with my neice in tow, we will have to come check out just what her aunt can buy for her :]

  7. Oh, I want to come. Everything is so cute. You should really start a business and sell these things on line. I know I would buy things. I love all of your ideas. You are so very talented.

  8. cute stuff! why don't you sell on you would sell a ton!!!!!!!!!

  9. hi! i just found your blog through U CREATE and i really like it so far! i was just wondering how you make your moneys worth by selling all your cute stuff? i am a stay at home mom with a busy seven month old but when i have time to make things i don't know how to make a little extra off of it? (even though i make it to keep me sane is there any way to pull in a little extra dough?) if you have any advice that would be awesome! my email is

  10. I love the name your husband came up with, that is so funny! Everything is darling, darling.

  11. I have needed the tie tutorial for months! I had looked and looked and couldn't find anything! Thank you soooooo much! You made my day!!!

  12. Had to say wow everything looks great and shows how much work was put in to it. Good luck with your booth I'm sure it will be great.

  13. All of your stuff is so cute!!!!!
