
Mar 18, 2009

Small fry has some big news

We just barely found out that I am pregnant with our second child. We are super excited. Baby #2 is due in November (something to definitely be thankful for).


  1. Congrats! I am due to deliver at the end of April. My first will be 19 months old. PERFECT TIMING! They will be the best of playmates (fingers crossed and hoping!)

  2. Congratulations!! I wish you a happy, healthy pregnancy! =)

  3. Congrats!! Your first one's a cutie -- it will be so fun to have another one to add to the set! I'm adding my 3rd in October, myself!

  4. Congrats. I love having two. It is so much fun. Mine are only 19 months apart and I'm so glad they are close. It was a little rough in the beginning, but has gotten so much easier. It is nice that they are close in age, because I can easily plan the same activities for both. FUN>>>>>>>>

  5. Congrats Heather and Greg! We are so excited for you.

  6. How wonderful, congrats!

  7. Congratulations!! We are so excited for you and it is so fun that are will be close in age! Yeah! I can't wait!!
