
Mar 14, 2009

Cupcake Apron

Well I was long over due for a new apron. The one I have been using has been with me for a lot of years and a lot of recipes but it was time to retire him. I have seen so many amazing aprons on different blogs and websites and I keep telling myself that I just have to make one. Well I finally just bit the bullet and did it. Since there are so many apron tutorials and patterns out there I am not going to overwhelm everyone with yet another one. What I did for my apron was used my old one as a pattern (because I like how it fits me) and then I embellished it with a ruffle on the bottom and the cupcake applique. I decided that I would include the cupcake tutorial here though because that is the totally cute part anyway.
To find a pattern for the cupcake I did a google search with the words "cupcake template". Some great stuff came up by the way so if you are a cupcake fan and have some free time that would be a really fun activity. I found the template that I used here. You could easily make your own but I wanted to find one that I could link to so that others could use it too. I copied and pasted it into Word to allow me to resize it.
So 1st: Print the template twice.
2nd: Cut out the piece for the cupcake top and the bottom(from seperate pieces of paper). For the top I cut out a section that will lay beneath the bottom of the cupcake and for the bottom I cut it up slightly higher than the bottom of the cupcake top (this allows you to overlap as you applique the pieces on and makes life a whole lot easier for you).

3rd: Next pin these to your fabric (I used polar fleece) and cut. You will cut one top piece but cut the bottom piece twice.4th: Pin the two bottom pieces together and sew the cupcake liner lines. You need to back stitch at the top of each row but not the bottom.5th: Trace the pattern pieces onto your piece of Heat N Bond paper. (For a more detailed tutorial on appliqueing with Heat N Bond the small fry way click here. ) Cut the pieces out so that they are smaller than the fabric pieces (except on the cupcake liner piece, you want to have the tops match and just the 2 sides and bottom smaller).6th: Before you iron the Heat N Bond onto the fabric add any embellishments that you want. I used some mini buttons to be my confetti. I sewed them on with clear quilting thread.7th: Iron the Heat N Bond onto the wrong side of your cupcake pieces. On the cupcake liner piece line the tops (top of the fabric and top of the Heat N Bond piece) up before ironing the Heat N Bond down. After you have ironed the Heat N Bond onto the liner piece notch the top to look like a cupcake liner. You could also do this with pinking sheers (I however don't have a pair sharp enough to use on fabric).8th: Peel the paper backing off of each piece and position both the cupcake pieces on your apron. Cover with a press cloth ( I just used an extra piece of fabric) and iron until it is bonded to the apron.9th: Finally using a small width and length (My width was 2 and my length was 1) zig-zag stitch, sew around the edges of the cupcake. I changed my thread color in between the top and bottom of the cupcake. You don't sew along the jagged top edge of the cupcake liner. And that is that. Enjoy!!


  1. Wow! Its so cute! Great job.

  2. That is SO cute, I love it! I'll be linking to this on Monday.

  3. This apron is adorable! I am totally making one -- the cupcake is precious!

  4. I just wanted to leave a comment to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Everything you make is so neat. Thanks for posting all of your great ideas!

  5. I love this apron. I think this will be my next project. I don't sew, but I want to. Thanks for the idea. I may have to find a cute cookie template too. Baking for me is not complete without cookies too :)
