
Mar 21, 2011

Giveaway -CLOSED

Since I began blogging I have been watching my Followers box grow at what seems to be the pace of a turtle-but it is growing and I love it!!!  There are a lot of reasons to blog, having people acknowledge that what you are doing is cool enough to want to keep tabs on it, is one of the best reasons.  So last week when I noticed my followers box quickly approaching 500 I decided I needed to do a giveaway-a half way to 1000  followers (my goal).  I didn't get things together fast enough to have it post right on the 500th follower but you get the idea.  So here it is!!! All week long you can enter (by leaving a comment) to win 2 of the following prizes (you get to choose with only two restrictions #1 is that you can't choose two change pads and #2 is U.S. only):
#1 Owl Onesie with matching hair bow-size 3-6 months (long sleeved)
#2 Scotty Dog Onesie-size 3-6 months (long sleeved)
#3 Carry All Change Pad (diaper and wipes container not included) green and pink floral
#4 Carry All Change Pad (diaper and wipes container not included) green, blue and cream
#5 Binkie Bag-pink and green floral
#6 Binkie Bag-green, blue and cream
I read on a blog recently that blog readers are becoming more picky about things they will enter a giveaway for.  I used to do more giveaways with my own items but after reading that I stopped-thinking that my stuff maybe wasn't good enough.  The truth is if I had an Etsy shop and posted that these things were all from my shop people would go nuts so if that makes you want to enter then just think of these items as being from my make believe Etsy Shop. 
Enter away!!! 
The winner will be announced on Saturday morning.  Please make sure and leave a way to contact you with your entry and if you want to state your choices right now go ahead.  (One entry per person-lets keep it simple shall we). Oh ya and if you aren't on one of those little pictures in my follwers box-it would be extra amazing if you wanted to add yourself.


  1. Oh, I hope #1 is the lucky number! I would *love* to win one of your changing pads! (And the dog onsie-those would be my choice!) You know I just made the binky bag the other day. Your pattern was so easy and I was done in a jiffy! Keep on keeping on!

  2. I TOTALLY know how you feel about a slow pace in getting blog followers! I have been stuck at just under 100 for what seems like forever! Do you ever notice your number go DOWN? It is the worst feeling! Haha. ANYWAY... I hope I win this giveaway!

  3. so cute! I love the owl onesie and the blue and green binky pouch! my kids have both used binky's and number 3 is on the way so i'm sure we'll need it! :)

  4. I love the owl onsies :)

  5. I would love to win #1 and #4.
    heidikittelson at gmail dot com

  6. I love your stuff. Adorable! Your stuff is so very creative, you make me want to be so crafty. Love your blog.

  7. love your blog! i would love to get the green changing pad #4 and the matching binki bag :)
    annarebeccasmith at hotmail dot com

  8. You do such great work. Thanks for sharing it with us! I'm crossing my fingers. :)

  9. I love your items even though you dont have an Etsy shop :)
    I would choose the blue and green carry all and the scotty dog onesie.
    Thanks for this!
    mcaulays at hotmail dot com

  10. I would love the owl onesie and matching bow for my niece who is due any day now!!

    I love all of your stuff, Etsy shop or not:)

  11. I would choose #1 and #4 you have such cute things! I would enter to win your giveaways!


  12. I would choose the owl onesie and #4. Your stuff is super cute.
    I love giveaways!!

    Beth Gentry


  13. I love re-energizing my creative spirit. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I would choose the green and blue changing pad (#4) and the matching binkie bag (#6)


    ajkveene at hotmail dot com

  14. What a fun giveaway! I love your blog. It always inspires me. I would love to win. I never win anything. I'm okay with that, I mean I'm not bitter you know, but I would really like to win!! I would LOVE the blue and green change pad, and the matching binkie bag! I'm due to meet my baby boy in a month and a half! holyrollerjess(at)msn(dot)com

  15. I love your blog! You've always got the cutest ideas!

  16. I love your blog! And I SO wish that owl onesie was bigger so it would fit my daughter :D Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  17. This is a great giveaway and the timing is perfect! Our great-nephew arrives next month... that sounds very old and I don't feel old! Anyway I love to have the Scotty dog onsie and the blue print changing pad! Wouldn't they make a "happy you are here!" present!

  18. I love your stuff!!! Although nothing in this give away would be useful to me right now they would make great gifts:) Thnaks for the chance!

  19. how exciting... your stuff is so cute. Thanks for the giveaway!!

    jake_laralee at yahoo dot com

  20. Hey, Heather Thanks for the giveaway. I like the carry all change pad. You know how to get a hold of me. :)

  21. I use your changing pad tutorial for lots of gifts, so the binkie bags or onesies are for me!


  22. I've loved your blog for a while now! I'd love to win one of the changing pads...or even the pattern!

  23. Hmmm...what to choose...I LOVE the dog onesie and the blue/green Binkie Bag! I've been reading your blog for awhile but I'd never signed on as a follower until today. (Thanks for the nudge!) Anne, yourmainestamper

  24. I would love to win #4 and #6. They are really cute! I love anything handmade.
    1squishypickle at gmail dot com

  25. I would love any of the "boy" items. They are all fantastic. But my first choice would be the boy diaper mat thing.

  26. Congrats on getting to 500. I would love #4 and #5. amo72 at ymail dot com

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I love your blog you always have great ideas tht are super easy to follow! I would love number 3 and number 5 for my girly girl!

  29. #3 Please. Adorable and creative ideas! Now, if I could only sew =)

  30. Congrats on 500! Exciting! I'd love one of your changing pads. Have been meaning to make one, so would love to get a beautifully made one without the work! ;)

    bspeeker at yahoo dot com

  31. I really love the pink/green changing pad and the owl onesie (alright, I love the pink binky bag too!!!)

  32. IT is all so cute! Thank you so much for the wonderful tutorials. It is nice that you do it all for free. Thanks again. I really enjoy reading your blog.

  33. Number 5 would be GREAT. It would be perfect for a gift... all of it would really. Love you blog and yay for so many followers!

  34. Are you kidding? It's all super-cute! Pick me! Pick me!

  35. I have been following your blog for a while and love it! My #1 choice would be the Owl but I love all of it. So beautiful I would be thrilled with any of it!

  36. i always feel like I shouldn't enter so that some non-friend fans can win your awesome things. But I will enter to show my support. the blog keeps getting better and better!!!

  37. You have the CUTEST stuff! Who wouldn't want to win it?!!! I know I would!! ;) I love the doggie onesie!

  38. I'm so happy I found your blog! Your tutorials are amazing and I can't wait to get started on some new projects!

  39. I may have missed the deadline, but you should know your stuff is amazing:) and if only you had time to run an Etsy store it would be a big hit.

  40. Love the Binky Bag in blue and cream! Super cute stuff.
