
Mar 21, 2011

Make Ahead Monday: Breakfast Burritos

My poor husband usually has to settle for a bowl of cereal in the morning for breakfast.  I am just never ready to make a full breakfast before the time he has to go to work.  I have been trying to come up with a few things that he can warm  up quickly or that I can pop into the oven for him in the morning.  These are one of those "perfect" ideas.  Breakfast burritos.  You can find a recipe for these from this great Make Ahead Meals blog.  I made ours with basic things that we normally eat: eggs, bacon, onions, peppers and cheese.  Roll them up as you would a normal burrito only wrap them in plastic wrap and put them in a Ziplock bag and freeze them.  When you need one, microwave it for about 1 1/2 mins then turn and microwave for another minute.  Breakfast is served!!  Perfect for breakfasts on the go too.

1 comment:

  1. I love Make Ahead Mondays! we've been buying frozen breakfast sandwiches for my hubby, and this will be so much cheaper and healthier! Never even crossed my mind!
