
May 4, 2011

Creative Mom #4 Living Craftily Ever After.

Hi there!
I'm Kelly and I have a little blog called Living Craftily Ever After.
I think what Heather is doing with the Unsung Creative Mom is such an amazing idea! Everyone needs a little validation and appreciation! And for her to offer to help out other moms/bloggers is just so awesome!
I decided an "About Me and My Blog" post would be best since I am so new to blogland I am sure no one has heard of me! {and I am totally OK with that! You gotta start somewhere, right?}
So.... here is a little about me and my blog! :)
I am the busy full time working mom of 2 precious {most of the time} daughters. Sam just turned 3 and Sadie will be 1 this August. I absolutely ADORE having little girls!
See- how cute are my girls?
And in case you are curious as to what I look like {I know I love to put a face to a name!},  here I am with my girls
I was always a crafty person, but after having my first daughter I went craft-crazy! It started with making her headbands and bows and quickly snow-balled into SO much more.
My friends have been bugging me for years to put my stuff out there for others to see. So I started an Etsy site {and I am the first to admit I kind of suck at promoting it or adding new things to it}.  Then I was always posting my crafts on my personal family blog and I am sure they were sick of seeing them! I love stalking browsing the 'famous' craft blogs {present blog included!} and finally about 2 months ago I decided to start my own craft blog!
I am obviously still a newbie here in the blogging world, but so far I have enjoyed every minute of it! I post a little bit about my family life- because they are and always will be #1, and a lot about crafty things!
Some of my more popular posts so far have been
My older daughter turned 3 last month and she wanted a Pink Princess Party.  I went a little crazy and it was a HUGE project, but I loved how it turned out and so did she!
Since I have 2 girls, we have a lot of bows around the house! And I love giving new moms-to-be hand made bows and bow holders! I just think it is a fun way to welcome a mom into the world of baby girls :) These Tutu bow holders are one of my FAVES!
And finally my Faux Necklace Shirt Tutorial. I was actually stopped by a lady in the grocery store the other day because she wanted to know where I BOUGHT this shirt! She was in shock when I told her I made it :) And it is EASY!
Thank you SO much Heather for coming up with such an amazing idea! Much love to all the Unsung Creative Moms out there!!!  I hope you will take some time to stop by Living Craftily Ever After and check out some of my other projects!


  1. Wow Kelly...I am so excited to hit your blog and check out all your craftiness! Great job:) I have 3 boys but love making girly things for my nieces...that party looks like a 3 year old girl's dream!

  2. Love the pink party. My daughter would love it.
