
May 5, 2011

Creative Mom #5 Chyrstal's Corner

I have to start by saying that I have been following Small Fry& Co for awhile now and find her to be an incredibly talented and crafty lady. So to be featured here for being creative feels like such an honor! 

Now that I have gotten the gushing out of the way, let me tell you a little about myself. As a stay at home mom of 3 boys ages 4, 3 and 10 months, blogging is one of my favorite outlets. I like to use my blog Chrystal's Corner to write about everything from parenting, to recipes we are trying, to the great deals I am finding. I especially like to share my craft projects. I mostly create things for my kids or my nieces as I find kids crafts to be so much fun. Plus, kids are so appreciative when it comes to homemade gifts.

What I love most about crafting is taking an idea that started in my head and making it come to life. So often these ideas come to me at the most random times. In the past year between the end of pregnancy and taking care of a baby, I have spent many a night awake at all hours. I have found myself using that quiet time to brainstorm.

Sometimes the projects I create are for a specific occasion, be it a birthday, a baby shower or a Christmas present. Here are some examples:
One of my boys' birthday invitations

A nursing cover for a friend's first baby

A tutu for my niece

A present for my husband's birthday from our sons

Sometimes what I make is for the purpose of re-using something I have laying around the house:
Turning broken crayons into new crayons

Making an old frame into a wipe-off weekly menu board

Re-purposing old CDs

Formula can turned into a centerpiece

Bamboo place mat transformed into a wall hanging

Whatever the project, whatever the occasion, whatever the material it feels good to create! I love knowing that I can take an idea and make it come to life. And isn't there just something so special about a handmade gift or a piece in your home that you crafted yourself? I hope some of these projects have inspired you to spend some time getting in touch with your creative side.

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