
Jun 22, 2011

Blogger-you are getting on my last nerve

I got an e-mail from a reader who said she was sorry she couldn't comment but my blog wouldn't let her (totally sweet-thank you thank you).  I am going to assume that that is the exact reason why all my hardwork over the last two weeks has totally 3 comments.
The thing is I can't even comment on my own blog.  Does anyone else have this problem? (not that you could answer me since you can't comment).  I have temporarily changed my comment format to see if that helps.  Sorry if that is an inconvenience for anyone.  I just want my comments back. 
Blogger-don't mess with me!!


  1. You have to log out and UNclick the "stay signed in" box and it should work after that! I had the same problem a couple weeks ago!

    Hope it works for you!

  2. this happens to me ALL the time, and doesn't fix itself with the unchecking and rechecking of the box! It's very annoying.

  3. If you leave the stay signed in box unchecked that does help. I also read where it is not blogger but something to do with Internet Explorer...don't know anything about all of that, but that is working for me right now...hope this helps

  4. I am trying to comment and really hope it works! This has been happening to me for about the last month and it is so frustrating!

  5. Yay! Yay! It worked! I unchecked the box! Thanks for all the help ladies!

  6. Let's see if it works for me.

  7. Going to log off now and try signing in again. (fingers crossed)

  8. It worked! It worked! I'm so happy! Thank you kelly@livingcraftilyeverafter! You deserve a cookie! And, Heather, I've am loving all your get well cards, repurposed table cloths and every thing else I haven't been able to comment on lately!

  9. I am loving that you can comment once again.
