
Jun 23, 2011

Product Review-Sew Stylish Boutique

Rose and Heather from Sew Stylish Boutique e-mailed me asking if they could send me one of their unique headbands for free to try and review on my blog.  HELLO-if anyone wants to send me anything for free I will take it.  Rose and Heather have a big selection of unique and glamorous accessories in their etsy shop as well as a blog with lots of fun and stylish ideas.  Check out their etsy shop sewstylishboutique and their blog sewstylishboutique to see their stuff.
This is what came in the mail for me. (Ya I know these aren't my kids-mine would have nothing put on their heads so I borrowed my neighbors kids).

The headband is totally unique.  It is made with wire that wraps around your head (see their etsy shop for all the details).  I have not seen anything else like it.  The only thing that was a bit of a problem was that the ends of the wire got caught in the girls hair and tangled as you tried to take it off.  I think that it would probably be really great for babies (because it is very light weight and most of them don't have tons of hair to tangle) and for older kids and adults because they can manage it better and can get it off their own head.  I really like the light weight nature of it and that the headband part is practically invisible.  I am not a fan of big headbands.
Go check out their stuff.  They have what you need to glamor up your girls.

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