
Nov 30, 2012

Tangled Up Snowman

For Thanksgiving this year my sisters in law, my mother in law and myself made these super cute snowmen.  They are made out of 4x4's with twig branches for the arms.  I brought mine home to put on the finishing touches.  At the same time I was trying to multi-task and make some of these:
Easy and gorgeous!  To Do: Gather old Christmas lights, paint glue on, dip in glitter, display in a big clear jar...I might do all gold or all silver with blue
Glitter lights.  I was planning on filling a large glass jar with these as part of my holiday decor.  I thought I was so smart because I found a set of these old fashioned (old fashioned as in when I was a kid-the 80's) Christmas lights at the thrift store for $1.00.  The only problem was that when I actually opened the package I discovered that there were only 12 light bulbs total in it (what a rip off for both me and the original owner). It wasn't even enough to fill the bottom layer of the jar.  So, totally bummed (especially since I had already glittered them using spray glue and my fabulous Martha Stewart glitters) I was going to just toss them but then I looked at my Mr.  snowman and had a great idea.  I wrapped the cord (that I pulled out of the trash can) around his head and body, screwed in the lights and super cute tangled up snowman.  And since I didn't glue the lights to him any place I could take the whole thing off and keep the snowman up in Jan and Feb as a winter decoration.


  1. He is so cute... can you share the measurements on how to make him?

  2. This is the cutest thing ever! And I LOVE the glittery lights!

  3. Love, Love, Love this :)

    Beth Gentry
