What is your favorite flavor of potato chips? Mine are salt and vinegar (and even as I type that I can feel my mouth salivating thinking of the perfect combination of sour and salt). I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. I don't even buy them because I just can't resist them when they are in my house.
What if I told you that you can make your own version of these sour and salty potato chips that are flavorful, and crispy and are made in your microwave oven. Well it is true (and not only can you make salt and vinegar chips but you can make pretty much any flavor you want). They are so easy and really, really yummy.
Here is what you will need:
Potatoes (I have used all different kinds-any seem to work) just remember that one potato makes a good amount of potato chips so it is better to peel and slice one at a time.
vinegar (white)
cooking spray
salt (I used a sea salt grinder)
simple slicer (mine is a Pampered Chef brand)
and the most important piece of equipment A MICROWAVABLE COOKING RACK-I have found them most often advertised for cooking bacon. I bought mine at a thrift store but you can buy them at Wal-Mart and other stores.
1. Start by slicing your potatoes. I used the thinnest setting on my slicer. I love using a slicer to make sure all the potatoes are the same thickness which makes them cook very evenly. After slicing them put them in your saucepan and cover them with vinegar. Bring them to a boil and then turn down and simmer until the potatoes are starting to get a bit soft (about 8-10 mins). Let them sit in the vinegar to soak for about 20-3 minutes (the longer you let them sit the stronger the vinegar flavor will be). After you have let them soak drain them in the sink and rinse with cold water to remove the excess starch.
2. Arrange the slices on the cooking rack, trying not to overlap them too much. Spray the tops with the cooking spray and sprinkle with the salt. Now place the rack in your microwave and cook until light golden brown. In my microwave it takes about 5 minutes but if you do just regular chips that you haven't soaked it takes a bit less time (about 4 minutes). Every microwave is different so set your timer and then check the chips-they will become golden and crispy so if they haven't yet, then put them back in for another minute. Then you will be able to figure out about how many minutes you will need for each batch. Thicker chips need longer. The time is something you will have to play with but they will crisp....I PROMISE.
See I told you they would. The result is perfectly crispy, sour (but not too overpowering) and salty chips. Just be careful because if you try to make too many batches your microwave might go on strike (mine did.... it got too hot and shut down for a bit but luckily came back on). This method is not really practical if you wanted to make enough chips for a large party but it is perfect for making enough for a dinner, or a picnic, or a snack or for your kids lunch. My kids LOVE THEM. I simply can't resist them.
Want some other flavor ideas? I have done plain salt, I have done seasoning salt, and I have done salt and pepper. There are so many possibilities. If you try a different flavor, let me know. I would love to hear some other flavor ideas.