I have seen these on Pinterest-they are a little more dolled up than mine but the basic idea is the same. SIDE NOTE: when you become a repurposing craftaholic it is hard to let any good garbage go and you end up with a pile of "junk" in the corner of your craft room just waiting until you are inspired to make something. It is kind of a bit of an obsession.
Well we had these boxes left over after Christmas. I decided to give it a try and make a can rotating system. I taped up any distressed areas or weak areas with duct tape. I cut a hole in the back at the top wide enough for a can to fit in. I cut two pieces of cardboard the same width as the box and taped them to the bottom underneath the back (to give it a bit of an angle and make the cans roll). I was going to spray paint the whole thing and decorate it up but then I decided not to waste my time. It is going to be in the basement holding western family tomatoes for heavens sakes. Who needs fancy.
The whole thing holds 7 cans. Now 7 cans is nothing if you are trying to establish food storage but I told my husband that if we just learn to always take the first one in the box and keep adding to it after we take one then at least we can be better about eating the old first and keep our food supply rotating.Now I feel like raiding peoples porches, trash cans and fridges to get more so I can line my shelves with them. It was super fast to make-about 5 minutes total and very functional. A good thing-as Martha would say (though she would probably shun the whole project for not being appealing to the eye).

I've got 3 of those boxes just waiting for me to clear off my shelves and re-sort my canned goods. They get in such a mess when you don't take the time to carefully place them on the shelves!