You have probably noticed my absence from Small Fry for a while. Well life is keeping me busy and I am trying to find as much joy in it as possible. Plus there is just a lot going on and my days are jammed packed usually. I might be absent from here a lot for a few GREAT reasons.
Reason #1: Small Fry starts Kindergarten next week. I am beyond excited to have a kid in school. I have loved school my whole life and now I get to experience it from the parents side and I know there will be ups and downs and joys and frustrations and I can't wait to have it all. I think I was born to be a school mom. I hope Small Fry and her school can keep up with my excitement. She is ready. I am excited to see how she grows over the year. Today she did all kinds of things she hasn't done before. She said, "I guess I am just ready to be a Kindergartener." I couldn't agree more. I know most moms are super sad when this day comes, and maybe I will shed some tears...I don't know but for now I am just excited.
Reason #2: My little pumpkin is going to get to be a part of mommy preschool. Our town does not offer the kind of preschool I want for my kids so guess what? I am doing my own. 6 little 4 year olds at my house a couple times a week for a couple of hours. I am thrilled to be doing this. It means I get to do all the fun things I want to do but would be too much work for only 1 kid. She is thrilled to have friends come over a few times a week and teaching preschool has always been a dream. Ever since I did my internship as part of my college degree (which is where I met one of my best friends and nearly changed my major) I have wanted to do something with preschool. Now I get my chance. It isn't anything super formal or fancy but it will be so fun. Can't wait.
and Reason #3: this little guy turns 1 in a few weeks, has started walking and is into EVERYTHING plus he loves to be held. He keeps me VERY busy. And he continues to bring so much joy to our family. If he is awake, mommy is not getting much done.
On top of all of that I have a booth for our local Melon Days celebration, a super fun "Handsome Monster" party to prepare for my little man's 1st birthday and my mom is coming to visit, not to mention tomatoes to can, pickles to make and a million zucchini's to use up. I am not saying I am done with Small Fry (because I am sure there will be cute things that I want to keep sharing), I am just saying if you don't hear from me for days or weeks at a time, there are many GREAT reasons for it. I am just busy living life.

What great pictures of all three!! Go0d luck on all the wonderful changes!
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the pics Heather! They are so cute!! My 4 year old is so excited for your preschool. (I am too!!) I know you will do a fantastic job and probably go above and beyond what any of us expect. You are amazing! So lucky to have you for a friend. :)
ReplyDeleteSuch cute kids and great pics!!
ReplyDeleteSo fun Heather! The pictures are darling and I can't wait to hear about your preschool !!!
ReplyDeletethe changes for your life are and will be exciting cause you will never get it again. You will do something new each time. Live it to the fullest cause it is the best and I'm glad we're here to watch a lot of it happening.