Thank you to everyone who has said they are thinking of me and praying for me and my family. I don't know hardly any of you that read this blog and that is so completely amazing that you would do that for me. I thought I would just give a quick update. My dad is doing well-he is feeling well that is. He was supposed to come home right after we got here, then he was supposed to come home last week and now they say maybe by Wednesday if we are lucky but he just had an intense round of chemo on Sat so the chances are slim. We live too far away from a hospital so they aren't letting him go. His white blood cell count is low right now but other than that he is feeling fine. He has not been outside in almost 2 weeks. The longest I ever knew my dad to not go outside previous to this is 1 day. He is bored and hungry in the hospital. He has diabetes that weren't severe before this but have become so because of the chemo. My method of helping/comforting has always been cooking. Now I feel lost because the pies, bread, cookies or cakes I would have made may now harm him more. We just keep making him soup because he loves that. I wish he could come home before I have to leave on Saturday; visiting a farmer who knows nothing but working off the land all cooped up in a hospital room is lousy. We were blessed with a miracle that even though the day before we went to visit last he was told no children could come to his room, the day we went the doctor said it was okay if they were healthy. He hadn't seen the girls yet since we have been here so at least he got to do that. This was the first time he has seen my little pumpkin in almost a year.

I'm happy that your Dad is feeling better. I will continue to pray for healing for him, wisdom and knowledge for the doctors, and comfort for your family.
ReplyDeleteI love the photos. I'm sure it made him feel much better to see his grandchildren!
So glad he was able to see your girls. As I was reading this, I was thinking, "sneak the girls in!" When I was ten, I snuck in to see my grandpa after heart valve surgery. The look on his face was one I will never forget. Grandchildren are pretty powerful medicine/motivators.
ReplyDeleteHang in there!
it is so good to hear your dad is doing better. I understand what you are going through. my mom had breast cancer last year my grandmother had lung cancer the year before that, and I live out of state so it was very difficult. You mentioned about cakes and your dad having diabetes, my friend said her dad has diabetes and she uses a cake mix (without adding anything it tells you to) and pours 1 can diet soda in and it makes it ok for diabetics. I also saw a recipe using a chocolate cake mix (again don't add anything it says to) and adding 1 can pumpkin to it for chocolate muffins. You may want to ask his doctor of course but I have heard these are ok for people with sugar problems.
ReplyDeletelisa @
This is really great to hear. Will continue to keep him in my prayers! Glad the kids got to spend some time with their Grampy it's so important for them.
Glad to hear he is doing well. I am sure that having you and the girls there is powerful medicine! I will be continuing to pray healing for your dad and peace of mind for you and your mom:)
ReplyDeleteThat is wonderful that the girls got to go in and see him. Hope you are doing well also. :)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your dad. Wow, that would be hard for him to be all cooped up. Hopefully he can go back home soon, because isn't the fresh country air and family the best medicine anyway? Wish the best and lots of prayers for you.
ReplyDeleteOh bless his heart! I hope he's home soon and I'll continue to keep him and your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteYay for being able to see your girls. I'm sure that made him feel better.