Dec 19, 2011

Make Ahead Monday-Breadsticks

There are some parts of a meal that it would just be nice to have done for bread sticks.  They are always something that I think of last minute and then don't have time to make. 
The last time I made a pan of bread sticks I doubled my recipe so that I could have some for that meal and some for another.  This could also be something you could make on a "make ahead day" and whip up a double or triple batch and freeze all of them then you will be prepared for a while.  SIDE NOTE: I call my Tuesdays "food storage and organization" day.  On this day I do things like make ahead meals, bake bread, organize cupboards or closets etc.  I try and make a batch of something before I run out of it in the freezer.  So for breakfast I mix up a double batch of muffins, bake a few for my family and freeze the rest of the batter in muffin cups.  I will whip up a batch of biscuit dough, cut and freeze all the biscuits on a cookie sheet and then bag them up when they are solid.   I will make 2 big sheet pans of potato wedges for lunch, eat a few and then place the pans in the freezer when cool to harden and then bag up the wedges.  If you can make it a habit then you can help keep your freezer stocked.  Try and plan meals that you can double or triple to have some for another time on a specific day and you will be super happy when you can just grab something for a quick lunch or supper down the road.

But I digress.  So these are my easy bread sticks.  They aren't like Olive Garden bread sticks.  They are more of a biscuity type.  Brush butter and Italian seasoning or Parmesan cheese on top before baking and they are delicious. 

1 1/4 cups flour
2 tsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup milk
Mix dry ingredients in a bowl.  Gradually add milk and stir to form a soft dough (seems like it is too sticky to me so I usually add a bit extra flour).  Turn out onto a floured surface and knead gently (knead in more flour if too sticky).  Roll out into a rectangular shape (1/2" thick).  Place dough on a parchment lined cookie sheet and cut into strips (but don't separate).  Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with topping choice.  Bake at 450 for 14-18 minutes.  NOTE: if you are going to freeze these then after you have cut the dough into strips place the whole pan into your freezer until the dough is solid.  Break into sections and place in zip lock bags.  Dough will break into small chunks if smashed so be careful.  To bake, just remove from the freezer and place on a cookie sheet.  Brush with butter and seasonings and bake.  Baking time will increase when you are baking these from frozen slightly.
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