Besides that I have been filling my freezer as we had a noticeable absence of meals shared with us after Small Fry's birth and I need to have some things on hand (that are quick and easy) for this time. So far I have made:
Stuffed Manicotti
Spaghetti Pizza bake
Brown Sugar muffins
Stratta Muffins
Biscuit dough
Slice N Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies
Slice N Bake Sugar Cookies
Bean N Bacon Soup
I am hoping to get a few more things made.
And I guess because I am only like 20 days away from my due date, our newest little tater tot could be showing up at any time which would explain my own noticeable absence from this blog. Hopefully I will be getting back into the swing of things shortly. Thanks to everyone for continuing to read and show your support.

Enjoy your wishes and look forward to seeing the new baby!
ReplyDeleteI did the same thing right before my second child. I was worried about things never being the same but I relized after the next one came they are even better then I imagined. also you still get a lot of one-on-one time with the first (maybe just not as much time by yourself). Good luck
ReplyDeleteThat's great that you're enjoying time with your first born, you'll both really appreciate that in the next few months to come. As well as stocking the freezer, great job! I'd say you are super prepared. :)
ReplyDeletewishing you and your family the best and an quick delivery for you. take care and can't wait for you to share the new baby with us all:)
ReplyDeleteYou never cease to amaze me -- I can't believe how prepared you are with the meals. Sister, if I remember correctly, Small Fry came a couple of weeks early, so this little gal could come any time! So excited. If I was there I would bring you dinner every night for a week! It might be McDonalds, but you would not go hungry! ;)