My little miss Small Fry...what am I to do with her? It seems like everyday she is becoming more and more sensitive/nit picky about things: a tag in her shirt, an itch, a bump on her sock, a pokey on her finger, the speed of the car. I know it is normal to be sensitive but with her it seems like it is something new everyday. Sure can be exhausting to get her all dressed and then have to undress her because her toe has a "pokey." She never used to be like this; now she won't wear certain coats because they have a tag, or the zipper itches her chin, and load noises bother her more than they used to and she is always saying something about having a headache in the car and not to drive too fast. I don't know if this is normal 2 year old behavior, or just a phase and it will pass or if I should be concerned. Anyone else have a super sensitive toddler or go through this before?
My gut is to say it's a harmless phase. Love the expression "pokey in my sock." I hate when that happens!
ReplyDeleteIt may just be a "girl" thing. My daughter is 5 and she still likes certain things certain ways. It drives my husband crazy that she freaks out screaming "That's not how mommy does it!"
ReplyDeleteWell it's probably just a stage but now that she is getting more language skills. She is able to express her likes and dislikes and it may have bothered her a baby but she just cried instead. It is something that I would metion to my pediatrician to at least note it in her file just in case something comes of it in the future. That way you'll have record as to when you started noticing it. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteMy littl girl is 2 as well, and we are going through the same thing. If we don't do it her way, then she will scream and throw a fit until it's done the way she wants it! I pick and choose my battles, so most of the time I give in immediately to whatever it is simply because I do not want to spend her childhood fighting with her. So, if she wants a different pair of socks or no socks at all, I let her, but if she wants to jump on all of the furniture or sass me, then that's where I draw the line, no matter how much she screams. Sometimes I know something isn't REALLY bothering her and she just wants to complain, but I just roll with it. ;) Our children grow up so fast that to me somethings just aren't worth fighting about. ;) I hope it all works out! Have a great day!!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter got to the point where she wouldn't even wear socks. almost 2 years even in the winter wouldn't wear them. It just wasn't worth the fight in the morning so she went sockless. We cut out the tags and just left extra time in the morning. the one thing that helped was when i stopped helping her. She went to school in some crazy outfits but she was dressed and comfortable.
ReplyDeleteIt worried me enough that I finally asked her doctor. She said I probably just had a quirky kid, she was right. She is six now and just fine, wears socks and doesn't have a meltdown getting dressed anymore, well no more than the normal six year old.
hang in there.
Kaiya did this when she was nervous about something. It would be right before we had to leave for school (or anything she might be worried about) and her socks bothered her like crazy - or her shoes or her pants, etc. She's fine now, but it was REALLY frustrating. I would just mention it to her DR. also just in case since the loudness bothers her and headaches. Hopefully it will just pass soon.
ReplyDeleteWonderful comments. Thank you everyone.
ReplyDeleteIT must be a girl thing. My 6 year old is like that. And it gets a lot worse when she is tired. Her Kindergarten teacher last year got a kick out of it, because each day there was a new ouchie to talk about.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is 4 and I thought we were the only one going through this. I go crazy everyday with her. If it's one thing it's another. I just thought she was a brat. Of course I still love her but I just thought she learned it from her older cousin. She is 12 and whines and hollars about everything. So I'm guessing it's a girl thing. I should just pick my battles because I really don't wanna fight all the time with her. We should start a mommy help group!
ReplyDeleteI went through the same thing with my son. I finally took him to the doctor who referred me to a therapist that diagnosed him with Sensory Processing Disorder - she had me read the book "The Out of Sync Child" - I felt so much better after reading the book. My son is almost 10 now and is doing much better now that we know what his triggers are and now that he is old enough to understand SPD. It can be trying and stressful, but I did feel so much better after learning that it was a real issue and that their are things we can do to help. I hope you figure things out soon soon. She is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI am 70 and my socks still bother me. I have to wear them inside out because I can't stand to feel the ridge or the string where they come together. I read somewhere that the headaches and the car stuff are the signs of migraine headaches in young children. Allie's mother had trouble with riding the bus because when it turned corners the light coming through the windows was like a flashing light and flashing lights are a common migraine trigger. You should make note of the times it happens, and if she gets car sick, that is a real sign of childhood migraine. hate to say it, but since migraines are passed down from mother to daughter and with grammy having them it is a real good chance that is what is happening. I so hope not.