Mar 13, 2010


I am just going to reach out and ask for help on this one because I am so in the dark about this McLinky business. I have seen it on blogs and have been invited to join or add a McLinky (or whatever it is I have been invited to do) and I think it looks great and I would love to do it but I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT A MCLINKY IS OR HOW TO USE IT. Someone help me please. Where do I go to find out how to do this McLinky thin? If I am going to add to someone elses what am I supposed to do? I am so lost. HELP PLEASE.
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  1. I'm so glad you posted this, because I thought I was the only one left in the world who didn't know what or how to McLinky! I can't wait to see the answers to this!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. I think it's called "Mr. Linky" and it's a widget you can add to your posts so that other people can add links to their own posts (about similar topics). Basically just link-sharing, to increase everybody's traffic. I haven't used it yet, but it looks easy!

  3. Go here:

    There's a K in there...doesn't make sense, LOL!

    It's way easy. Even I could figure it out.

  4. If you want to join a McLinky party, you just go to the blog hosting, and then fill out the required fields, usually your blog address and name. Then people go to that blog, and can click on the link to take them to your blog.

    Was that your question?

  5. I use it every week for my Wordless Wednesday posts. To link up, you need your permalink to your posts. If you want to start one, you need to just sign up for an account. It's pretty easy to start one, and they are totally available to help you if you need it. I'm doing a spotlight saturday post right now and one of the posts shows you how to find your permalink. It should be up within the hour.


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